Austin Capital Bank CEO Appointed To Federal Reserve Bank Of Dallas Advisory Council
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CEO and founder to serve on Community Depository Institution Advisory Council
Austin, TX (March 8, 2018) – The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas today announced that it has appointed Austin Capital Bank CEO and founder Erik Beguin to the Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council (CDIAC) for the eleventh district of the United States Federal Reserve System.
The Council, composed of representatives from financial institutions of various sizes in the Eleventh District, is part of a Federal Reserve initiative to enhance communication with community bankers. The Council provides senior Dallas Fed officials grassroots information on a variety of topics, including economic and banking conditions, regulatory policies, and payments issues.
“I am honored to have been selected by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to serve on the CDIAC,” said Erik Beguin, founder and CEO of Austin Capital Bank. “The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and its leadership are recognized throughout the nation for their progressive leadership and innovation. As a member of the Council, I look forward to representing, and making a positive impact for, communities and community financial institutions across Texas, Louisiana, and New Mexico.”
About Austin Capital Bank
Austin Capital Bank is a 5-Star rated, FDIC-insured, independent community bank located in Austin, Texas. The bank powers responsible financial innovation and digital banking services nationwide. Austin Capital Bank is consistently recognized as a top performing financial institution and has been ranked on consecutive INC. 5000 lists since 2016. Austin Capital Bank is unique among community banks in that it defines ‘community’ as a common set of needs and values vs the traditional geographic focus of community banks.
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